We’ve all heard that romantic relationships don’t complete us, and we want to be whole in ourselves before getting into one.
But it is important to look deeper at the power that relationships have on our lives.
How they shift our reality and bring forth new expressions of ourselves.
Being whole is one thing, but being self sufficient or self made is another.
The reality is that we are always impacted and shaped by others and our experiences. That’s how our design as human beings work.
Lao tzu spoke about this over 500 years before Christ.
Think about this.
Nothing in life is self made.
We were born by 2 people which were born by 4 people, and so on.
We live in a home because of a realtor and landlord who worked to get the place for us, and the house itself was built by construction workers.
Every book we read and show we watch, came from people who wrote it and worked to create that experience for us.
Those same people learned those skills to create that experience from other people.
So self sufficiency is really a delusion.
Many spiritual teachers call this the ego or separateness, the Bible referring to this as “living in the flesh.” Which refers to trying to find life by our own ability, missing the fact that even our own ability was given to us as a gift.
So when we look at our relationships, we must see that they mold us into new expressions of ourselves and shape our reality.
The Bible explains this as co creation, when two flesh become one in relationship.
When people are married and as they live together, the things the other person loves and does starts to be born in each person.
How many times have you said things and done things the way someone else does?
Saying things the way your dad, mom, or friend says it?
A lot of time I’m sure.
That is how relationships and experiences are born in us.
So it’s very important for us to know what relationships add to our lives.
Just like there are relationships that serve us, there can also be relationships that don’t serve us.
Knowing our values, creating boundaries around those values, and being able to communicate those values and boundaries are critical for our relationship and life fulfillment.
For a healthy experience of what is born into our reality.
To learn HOW to align to your authenticity in every area of your life, go to and watch the free training. You won’t regret it.
Tristan Stahl
are you secretly unhappy? you're not alone.
are you secretly unhappy? you're not alone.
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Copyright © Tristan M. Stahl Founder of ValorMen