tristan's Story
Tristan Stahl has overcome numerous trials in his life which allows him to both empathize and lead his clients in a unique way.
Tristan uses the spiritual, relational, nutritional, physical, and mental practices he used to overcome those trials in his coaching and teaching.
Outside of Tristan’s own personal study of 10+ years in these areas, he has completed multiple education programs from the world’s leading experts to master these facets of life.
Bertie Brits Discipleship Program
Dr. Glover’s “Positive Emotional Tension” Course
Zan Perrion’s “Amorata” - Life Essentials Course
IAP Certified Life Coach (See certification)
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
Active Member Of: IAPO (The International Organization of Professional Life Coaches)
Tristan Stahl's life purpose is to help men understand their eternal value. As Tristan says: to help them "awaken the hero within."
An excerpt from one of Tristan’s Speeches:
"When you know you not only have the blood of champions flowing through your veins, but the very blood of God Himself flowing through your veins, you can’t help but live your life in excellence. In duty, in honor, in love, in beauty. You are here to experience the highest quality of life you can, and that is what I am here to help you do."
Gandhi - Indian Nationalist
Lao Tzu - Founder of Taoism
Nehru - Indian Prime Minister
SENG-TS’AN - Buddhist Master
Jesus - Founder of Christianity | Acclaimed As Son of God
Dr. Jordan Peterson | Clinical Psychologist | Author
Dr. Sarno | Surgeon | Author
Joman Romero - Author | Psychodecoder
Evette Rose - Speaker | Author | Psychodynamics Life Coach
Zan Perrion - Speaker | Author | Relationship/Life Coach
Dr. Glover - Speaker | Author | Relationship Coach
Michael Stahl - Speaker | Author | Master Harrison Trainer
Tom Bilyeu - Speaker | Founder of Quest & Impact Theory
Ed Mylett - Speaker | Serial Entrepreneur
Sean Stephenson - Speaker | Therapist | Life Coach
Theodore Roosevelt - Nobel Peace Prize Winner | 26th U.S President
Winston Churchill - UK Prime Minister | Military Officer
Simon Sinek - Speaker | Author
are you secretly unhappy? you're not alone.
are you secretly unhappy? you're not alone.
Do you have any questions about working with Tristan, or inviting Tristan to speak? Submit the form below and we will get back to you!